Study Reveals Power of Suggestive Brand Names in Marketing

A recent study from Duke University, University of Arizona, and University of Minnesota reveals the power of suggestive brand names in marketing. The research found that brand names hinting at a key product benefit significantly boost consumer recall and perception.

Key findings:

  • People were 55% more likely to believe a brand possessed a benefit when it was suggested in the name
  • Benefit recall was 2.2 times higher with suggestive brand names
  • The memory effect persisted even 2 days after exposure to ads

Researchers compared suggestive vs non-suggestive names like:

  • FlexiSound vs Sovereign (stereo receivers)
  • Sure-Bounce vs Coopers (tennis balls)
  • CompuQuick vs Criterion (computers)

The suggestive names consistently outperformed generic ones in consumer memory and perception tests.

Why it works:

Suggestive names create a strong mental association with a core product benefit. This makes it easier for consumers to remember related information from ads and marketing.

Recommendations for businesses:

  • Choose brand names that highlight a key product feature or benefit
  • Use flexible names if you want to emphasize multiple benefits over time
  • Consider sub-brands for highlighting secondary benefits

While effective, suggestive names can make it harder to reposition brands later. Companies should carefully consider long-term strategy when selecting highly suggestive names.

For more details on effective brand naming strategies, check out the full article on Science Says.

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