Timemator on Setapp | Have your time-tracking automated

If you’ve ever found yourself wondering where all the hours in your workday have gone, Timemator for Mac on Setapp is about to become your new best friend. This powerful app automates the time-tracking process, effortlessly capturing everything you do on your Mac to help you analyze and organize your working hours more effectively.

Try Timemator on Setapp

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Key Features

Timemator is not just a time tracker; it’s a new way to experience productivity.

  • Seamless Project Tracking: Whether you are working on a single project or juggling multiple, Timemator simplifies the tracking. It creates a comprehensive activity timeline automatically, ensuring that every second of your productivity is accounted for.
  • Intuitive Auto-Tracking: Define which programs and files are associated with each project, and let Timemator handle the rest. It detects your activity and assigns time to projects accordingly, starting and stopping the timer as needed.
  • Smart Recognition: Timemator is smart enough to understand the nuances of different job roles. It recognizes when designers are designing, developers are coding, and so on, ensuring that your time is tracked with precision.
  • Manual Control: Prefer to manage your tracking personally? No problem. Timemator also offers traditional timer controls for those who want hands-on management of their time.
  • Detailed Reports: With comprehensive reports that outline your time management, monitor progress over days, weeks, or months. For freelancers and consultants, Timemator even considers hourly rates, so you can track not just time but earnings as well.

And rest assured, Timemator values your security and privacy — it’s officially notarized by Apple, guaranteeing that it’s free from malicious software.

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How-To Guide

To get started with Timemator, you’ll first need to download and install it through Setapp. Once installed, you can begin to explore its various features, learn how to set up your projects, and tailor the auto-tracking to your workflow.

At the core of Timemator is a philosophy that productivity stems from understanding how we use our time. By providing automatic tracking along with manual options and detailed insights, it gives you the power to optimize your workday, project by project. For anyone serious about improving their time management, Timemator might be the game-changer you’ve been looking for.

Remember, to make the most of Timemator and a suite of other game-changing apps, be sure to sign up for Setapp and explore the endless possibilities to enhance your productivity.

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